Liquidez y profundidad del mercado de renta fija

 | 10.03.2016 08:40

De acuerdo con el BIS, Banco de Pagos Internacionales:

The following report summarises the Group’s main findings. It highlights that fixed income markets are in a state of transition. Dealers have continued to cut back their market-making capacity in many jurisdictions. Demand for market-making services, in turn, continues to grow. The effects of these diverging trends have, thus far, not manifested themselves in the price of immediacy services, but rather they are reflected in possibly increasingly fragile liquidity conditions. Key drivers of current trends in liquidity include the expansion of electronic trading, dealer deleveraging, arguably reinforced by regulatory reform, and unconventional monetary policies. Given the transitional state of fixed income markets, regulators appear to be facing a short-term trade-off between less risk-taking by banks and more resilient market liquidity. Yet, in the medium term, measures to bolster market intermediaries’ risk-absorption capacity will strengthen systemic stability, including through a more sustainable supply of immediacy services. To help ensure a smooth transition, the report argues for a close monitoring of liquidity conditions as well as an ongoing assessment of how new liquidity providers and trading platforms are affecting the distribution of risks among market participants.

Pero, ¿de verdad se está reduciendo la liquidez en el mercado de renta fija? Pensemos en los volúmenes colocados en los diferentes primarios, especialmente de deuda pública. Pero también las colocaciones recientes (tras un impasse de dos meses) en deuda privada. ¿No son indicios de elevada profundidad?

¿Es lo mismo profundidad que liquidez? El BIS considera la liquidez como la posibilidad de cerrar con bajo coste y limitado impacto en los precios.

Baja liquidez; baja profundidad; reducidos spreads….